For today’s Thankful Thursday, we would like to thank
the Breanne C. Mahon Foundation for awarding
Seton Youth Shelters a $6,000 grant, from the proceeds of its 2nd Annual Golf Outing held on May 8th, 2015 at Hell’s Point Golf Club.
The Mission of the Breanne C Mahon Foundation is to encompass and carry on the goals and dreams of a young woman whose life plan was to dedicate time, ability and resources to others in the areas of education, healthcare, improvement of self, job training and those in need. Her vision was for a better tomorrow for others. Her long term vision would have been for her philanthropic efforts to be duplicated, creating a better community and future for all.
The Foundation was established to honor the memory of Breanne C Mahon, Virginia Beach resident, community volunteer, Kellam High School Graduate and Virginia Tech Student. In January 2009, just short of her 19th birthday, a fatal auto accident claimed Breanne during Christmas break of her freshman year at Virginia Tech. She had made the Dean’s list that first semester.
Thank you so much! #ThankfulThursday